The Punjab Transport Minister, Akbar Khan, announced the revamping of the provincial transport system. On Friday, August 9th, 2024, he revealed the plan to purchase 3,000 new buses, which he…
Punjab Government
rewrite this title with different wordingLahore To Get New Tram Service
rewrite this content with different wording and keep HTML tags Lahore, the city of gardens and the bustling capital of Punjab, isn’t done innovating its transportation system. After pioneering the…
rewrite this title with different wordingPunjab Govt Starts Distribution of Electric Bikes
rewrite this content with different wording and keep HTML tags Months back, we informed you that the Punjab government has launched a e-bike program for students across the province. Among…
Punjab brings positive development for Qingqi rickshaw drivers
The Punjab caretaker government made important announcements yesterday regarding electric and traditional two and three-wheelers in the region. Chief Minister Mohsin Naqvi revealed plans to provide 10,000 electric bikes for…