After Lahore, another heart wrenching incident in Karachi has engulfed human lives while injuring several. Again, a speeding SUV, driven by a alleged drunk woman, lost the control near Karsaz, rammed over a motorcycle and other vehicles claiming the life of two leaving 4 injured.
The incident occurred on the service road when the SUV collided with a motorcycle, killing a father and his daughter on the spot. Another person was injured and is currently receiving medical treatment. Other media reports revealed that third victim passed away in hospital.
The Details
Witnesses reported that the SUV overturned, and a large crowd gathered at the scene, expressing their anger towards the driver. Police and Rangers were forced to intervene to control the crowd and ensure the safety of the accused.
The woman driver, Natasha, a close relative of a prominent industrialist, was apprehended by law enforcement and is currently being investigated. Authorities have further disclosed that the vehicle involved in the incident is registered under the name of a private corporation.
It has been revealed that she was in possession of a foreign driving license. The exact circumstances leading to the accident are still under investigation, but initial reports suggest that alcohol may have been a contributing factor.
This tragic incident highlights the ongoing problem of reckless driving in the country. Despite numerous efforts to raise awareness and enforce stricter laws, such accidents continue to occur, claiming innocent lives.
Earlier in DHA Lahore, an underage driver collided his speeding car with a vehicle carrying 6-7 members of a family, claiming 6 lives.
The loss of two lives in the recent accident is a stark reminder of the devastating consequences of drunk driving. It is a call to action for all of us to be responsible road users and to refrain from driving under the influence of alcohol. By doing so, we can help to create safer roads for everyone.