Recently, Ranbir Kapoor, a popular Bollywood actor, unveiled his new luxury car, the Bentley Continental. He was spotted with his wife Alia Bhatt while visiting Jackky Bhagnani and Rakul Preet Singh, who recently got married in Mumbai.
Celebrities and Their Affinity for Luxury Cars
Expensive cars are a sign of affluence globally. From Cristiano Ronaldo and Shah Rukh Khan to the Ambani family and Virat Kohli, many celebrities own a collection of luxurious vehicles.
Ranbir Kapoor is no different, with a collection that includes a Land Rover Range Rover, Audi A8 L, Mercedes-AMG G 63, and Audi R8. Alia Bhatt also has an impressive car collection, featuring vehicles like Land Rover Range Rover Vogue, Audi A6, BMW 7-Series, Audi Q5, and an Audi Q7.
Details about Bentley Continental
The Bentley Continental GT is truly a showstopper with its luxurious interior and stylish exterior. This two-door grand tourer and hard top convertible car stands out with its 22-inch wheels, aluminum front grille, and premium interior design.
Equipped with Bentley’s powerful twin-turbo V-8 engine, this vehicle delivers exceptional performance. With 542 horsepower and 4926 pound-ft of torque, it can go from 0 to 60 mph in just 3.4 seconds, showcasing its impressive fuel efficiency.
Comfort and Interior Styling
Inside the Bentley Continental, you’ll find a lavish cabin with premium upholstery and the signature Bentley design. While the headroom and legroom may be limited for taller individuals, the overall aesthetics and luxurious leather scent are captivating.
The car is fully equipped with advanced connectivity and infotainment features, providing a seamless driving experience.
Price Tag
Luxury cars come with a hefty price tag, and the Bentley Continental is no exception, priced at a staggering INR 8 crores (PKR 26 crores). It’s a perfect fit for a young heartthrob like Ranbir Kapoor.
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