WhatsApp has introduced a new navigation bar at the bottom for Android users, replacing the previous top navbar with tabs for Communities, Chats, Status, and Calls.
The updated navbar is now positioned closer to the thumbs and has a more visually appealing design. It continues to feature sections for Communities, Chats, Status, and Calls, but their order has been rearranged, with Status now renamed as “Updates.” Additionally, all sections now include icons, unlike before when only the Communities tab had one. Furthermore, the new navbar is white compared to the previous green navbar.
WhatsApp explained that the changes were made to enhance user experience with easier access to the desired features. With the navbar now closer to the thumb, users can effortlessly switch between sections by tapping on their icons, eliminating the need to stretch to reach the top of the screen for non-adjacent tabs.
This updated navbar has been in use on various Android devices in India for a few weeks, and now WhatsApp is rolling it out globally following an official announcement. If you have not yet received the update, be sure to download the latest version of the WhatsApp app from the Google Play Store on your Android device.