WhatsApp rolled out a new update last August that allows users to send photos in higher quality, displaying the full resolution of the image. Previously, users had to manually select the resolution for each individual image, which was not very convenient.

An examination of the WhatsApp beta for Android revealed that all images and videos can now be automatically sent in HD by toggling the Media Upload Quality setting in the Storage and data menu.

WhatsApp will finally let users send media in HD quality automatically

Choosing the “Standard quality” option will allow the recipient to receive the media in a compressed format for faster delivery, albeit with slightly lower quality. On the other hand, selecting HD quality will result in larger file sizes and slower transmission speeds.

Despite these changes, the toggle feature on the media sharing screen will still enable users to manually adjust the quality settings as needed for specific files.

Although the feature is currently being tested with a limited group of beta users, once all issues are resolved, it will be available in the stable version of the app. Make sure to regularly update your WhatsApp app through Google Play to receive these new features.
