AI chatbots are gradually making their way into every application we use, and the newest addition is on WhatsApp. Meta is currently testing the Meta AI chatbot on the messaging platform, a trial that is currently underway in the latest version of the app for both iOS and Android. This test is currently only accessible to users who have set English as their WhatsApp language.

However, this is a limited test, so not all eligible users can see the Meta AI chatbot on WhatsApp yet. The chatbot has been introduced in select countries like India, but only to a small number of individuals for now. This could change in the future.

WhatsApp is getting an AI chatbot because of course it is

Some users have seen Meta AI integrated into the search bar, while others have a new Meta AI icon located at the top right, next to the camera and new conversation buttons.

The Meta AI functions like any other chatbot, allowing users to ask questions. Tapping on the Meta AI-enabled search bar will generate a few suggestions on what to ask, but users can also input their own prompts.

It will be interesting to see if WhatsApp will eventually integrate the chatbot into conversations, similar to Skype, considering the end-to-end encryption they have. As of now, the implementation is limited to the search bar.
