According to a recent post from tipster Yogesh Brar, the key specifications of the Xiaomi 14 Ultra have been revealed ahead of its launch. The 6.73-inch QHD+ 120Hz OLED LTPO display and the camera setup with Leica-branded optics and the 90W fast charging are already familiar to many.

However, the camera hardware has more to offer than initially perceived. While it’s expected to feature another set of 50MP cameras with a 1-inch main sensor, it will also come with new Leica optics and brighter lenses.

Previous rumors have indicated that the main unit may use Sony’s LYT-900 sensor with a variable aperture, starting from f/1.6, and the periscope 5x telephoto may have an f/2.5 aperture, instead of the previous f/3.0.

Another notable change from the newly leaked specs sheet is a slight increase in battery capacity – from 5,000 mAh to 5,300 mAh.
