Shiraz, a young vlogger from the northern regions of Pakistan, who gained popularity for his YouTube channel “Shirazi Village Vlogs,” has recently purchased a new car. Known for his innocence, daily life commentary, chemistry with his sister Muskan, and adorable nature, Shiraz quickly garnered a million subscribers from both Pakistan and India.
His fame escalated further when he was featured on a top news channel’s Ramadan transmission and had the opportunity to meet the Prime Minister of Pakistan. Capitalizing on his success, Shiraz has now acquired a new car.
Shiraz’s New Car
The young vlogger unveiled his maroon-colored Toyota Corolla X GLi with his sister seated inside. He provided a detailed tour of the car, showcasing both its exterior and interior. Although he demonstrated starting the car, he didn’t drive it himself but had his uncle take the wheel. Shiraz also treated his fans to a ride and offered the elders of his village a spin. Watch the full video here:
The vehicle is a 2004 Toyota Corolla X, notable for its Non-Custom-Paid (NCP) status, a common practice in the northern areas of Pakistan where residents are permitted to own and operate NCP vehicles within their cities. As a result, the prices of NCP cars in these regions are considerably lower than custom-paid vehicles found elsewhere in the country.
We wish Shiraz many joyful rides in his new car and continued support for his village community.